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Trends and cycles in economic time series: A Bayesian approach, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 140 (2): 618--649 (октября 2007)Adaptive radial-based direction sampling: some flexible and robust Monte Carlo integration methods, , , и . Journal of Econometrics, 123 (2): 201--225 (декабря 2004)The Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics, first issue., , , , , , , , , и 16 other автор(ы). Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 56 (11): 2991-2992 (2012)A comparative study of Monte Carlo methods for efficient evaluation of marginal likelihood., , , и . Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 56 (11): 3398-3414 (2012)On the shape of posterior densities and credible sets in instrumental variable regression models with reduced rank: An application of flexible sampling methods using neural networks, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 139 (1): 154--180 (июля 2007)Progress and challenges in econometrics, и . Journal of Econometrics, 138 (1): 1--2 (мая 2007)Distribution and mobility of wealth of nations, и . European Economic Review, 42 (7): 1269--1293 (июля 1998)CFEnetwork: The Annals of Computational and Financial Econometrics: 2nd Issue., , , , , , , , , и 32 other автор(ы). Comput. Stat. Data Anal., (2014)Testing for integration using evolving trend and seasonals models: A Bayesian approach, и . Journal of Econometrics, 97 (2): 261--291 (августа 2000)Bayesian specification analysis and estimation of simultaneous equation models using Monte Carlo methods, , и . Journal of Econometrics, 38 (1-2): 39--72 (00 1988)