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MQEB: Metadata-based Query Evaluation of Bi-labeled XML data., и . COMAD (b), Computer Society of India, (2005)Solving age-word problems using domain ontology and BERT., , и . COMAD/CODS, стр. 95-103. ACM, (2023)PSMQ: Path Based Storage and Metadata Guided Twig Query Evaluation., , и . BNCOD, том 4587 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 114-124. Springer, (2007)Improving Ontology Verbalization using Semantic-level Refinement (Extended Abstract)., и . Description Logics, том 2373 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2019)ConnExt-BioBERT: Leveraging Transfer Learning for Brain-Connectivity Extraction from Neuroscience Articles., , , , , и . BI, том 12960 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 235-244. Springer, (2021)Discovering disjoint object property pairs in knowledge graphs using Probabilistic Soft Logic., и . Knowl. Inf. Syst., 65 (2): 899-919 (февраля 2023)Update Summarizer Using MMR Approach., и . TAC, NIST, (2008)Efficient Trust-Based Approximate SPARQL Querying of the Web of Linked Data., и . URSW (LNCS Vol.), том 7123 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 315-330. Springer, (2013)SPRING: Ranking the results of SPARQL queries on Linked Data., и . COMAD, стр. 47-56. Allied Publishers, (2011)Efficient indexing and querying of XML data using modified Prüfer sequences., и . CIKM, стр. 397-404. ACM, (2005)