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Comparative Study on Feature Selection Methods Rooted in Swarm Intelligence for Intrusion Detection., , и . CSCS, стр. 239-244. IEEE, (2017)Enabling security on 6LoWPAN / IPv6 Wireless Sensor Networks., , и . ECAI, IEEE, (2015)Experimental Study of Pressure Variation in a Constant Volume Enclosure., , и . CSCS, стр. 28-34. IEEE, (2023)A feature selection approach implemented with the Binary Bat Algorithm applied for intrusion detection., и . TSP, стр. 11-15. IEEE, (2015)Predictive modeling of occupancy patterns in smart buildings., , и . IDAACS, стр. 622-627. IEEE, (2017)LED Smart Illumination with DFID Indoor Positioning., и . CSCS, стр. 515-522. IEEE, (2017)Simulation Scenarios for Deploying Underwater Safe-Net Sensor Networks Using Remote Operated Vehicles: Offshore Exploration Constructions Models and Sensor Deployment Methods., , и . CSCS, стр. 419-424. IEEE, (2013)Anomaly Intrusions Detection Based on Support Vector Machines with an Improved Bat Algorithm., и . CSCS, стр. 317-321. IEEE, (2015)Theoretical and experimental research on digital pneumatic on / off distributors., , , , и . CSCS, стр. 62-67. IEEE, (2021)Software System for Monitoring Data Traffic from a Smart Grid Network., , и . SACI, стр. 379-384. IEEE, (2018)