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High resolution flash time-to-digital converter with sub-picosecond measurement capabilities., , , and . SoC, page 1-4. IEEE, (2008)A supervised energy monitoring-based machine learning approach for anomaly detection in a clean water supply system., , , and . Cyber Security, page 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Multiple Traffic Signal Control Using A Genetic Algorithm., , and . ICANNGA, page 220-228. Springer, (1999)On-chip structures for timing measurement and test., , , , and . Microprocess. Microsystems, 27 (9): 473-483 (2003)Sub-file Hashing Strategies for Fast Contraband Detection., , and . Cyber Security, page 1-7. IEEE, (2018)Insider threat detection using principal component analysis and self-organising map., , and . SIN, page 274-279. ACM, (2017)Real-Time Monitoring of Privacy Abuses and Intrusion Detection in Android System., , , , , and . HCI (22), volume 9190 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 379-390. Springer, (2015)Safeguarding IoT Systems: Novel Authentication Method to Counteract Sybil and Flood Attacks., , , , and . RobCE, page 165-170. ACM, (2024)Extending Synchronization from Super-Threshold to Sub-threshold Region., , , , and . ASYNC, page 85-93. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)A Robust Synchronizer., , , and . ISVLSI, page 442-443. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)