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Multidimensional Two-channel Linear Phase FIR Filter Banks and Wavelet Bases with Vanishing Moments., , , and . Multidimens. Syst. Signal Process., 9 (1): 39-76 (1998)Signal processing to decrease the effects of channel degradations in HDTV transmission.. ICASSP, page 3013-3016. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)The uncertainty principle and its theory and applications in advanced television., and . ICASSP, page 2869-2872. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Error-control coding, modulation and equalization for all-digital advanced television: state of the art and future possibilities.. Information Theory and Applications, volume 793 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 45-66. Springer, (1993)Theory and design of spectrum-efficient bandwidth-on-demand multiplexer-demultiplexer pairs based on wavelet packet tree and polyphase filter banks., and . ICASSP, page 1797-1800. IEEE, (1998)Regular orthonormal and biorthogonal wavelet filters., , and . Signal Process., 57 (2): 121-137 (1997)Design and Implementation of Wavelet Packet-Based Filter Bank Trees for Multiple Access Communications., , and . ICC (1), page 176-181. IEEE, (1997)Performance Factors in Videotex Systems., , and . INFOCOM, page 361-368. IEEE, (1984)Wavelets: multiresolution signal representation with applications to image, speech, radar, and other signal coding.. Visual Information Processing, volume 1705 of SPIE Proceedings, page 339-. SPIE, (1992)