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Load balancing for multi-threaded PDES of stochastic reaction-diffusion in neurons.

, , , , , , and . J. Simulation, 11 (3): 267-284 (2017)

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Load balancing for multi-threaded PDES of stochastic reaction-diffusion in neurons., , , , , , and . J. Simulation, 11 (3): 267-284 (2017)From computer to brain foundations of computational neuroscience. (2002)Emergence of Physiological Oscillation Frequencies in a Computer Model of Neocortex., , , , and . Frontiers Comput. Neurosci., (2011)Reaction-diffusion in the NEURON simulator., , and . Frontiers Neuroinformatics, (2013)Neural Network Analysis of Event Related Potentials and Electroencephalogram Predicts Vigilance., , and . NIPS, page 651-658. Morgan Kaufmann, (1991)Repairing lesions via kernel adaptive inverse control in a biomimetic model of sensorimotor cortex., , , , and . NER, page 478-481. IEEE, (2015)Optimizing synaptic conductance calculation for network simulations.. Neural Comput., 8 (3): 501-509 (1996)Parallel Stochastic Discrete Event Simulation of Calcium Dynamics in Neuron., , , , and . IEEE ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform., 16 (3): 1007-1019 (2019)Modernizing the NEURON Simulator for Sustainability, Portability, and Performance., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). Frontiers Neuroinformatics, (2022)Optimizations for Neuron Time Warp(NTW) for stochastic reaction-diffusion models of neurons., , , and . WSC, page 1252-1263. IEEE, (2017)