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Are Teachers Aware of Students' Lack of Spontaneity in Diagram Use? Suggestions from a Mathematical Model-Based Analysis of Teachers' Predictions.

, , and . Diagrams, volume 7352 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 312-314. Springer, (2012)

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The Effects of Perception of Efficacy and Diagram Construction Skills on Students' Spontaneous Use of Diagrams When Solving Math Word Problems., , and . Diagrams, volume 6170 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 197-211. Springer, (2010)Elucidating the Mechanism of Spontaneous Diagram Use in Explanations: How Cognitive Processing of Text and Diagrammatic Representations Are Influenced by Individual and Task-Related Factors., and . Diagrams, volume 7352 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 35-50. Springer, (2012)Are Teachers Aware of Students' Lack of Spontaneity in Diagram Use? Suggestions from a Mathematical Model-Based Analysis of Teachers' Predictions., , and . Diagrams, volume 7352 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 312-314. Springer, (2012)How Communicative Learning Situations Influence Students' Use of Diagrams: Focusing on Spontaneous Diagram Construction and Protocols during Explanation., and . Diagrams, volume 8578 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 93-107. Springer, (2014)The Effects of Peer Communication with Diagrams on Students' Math Word Problem Solving Processes and Outcomes., and . CogSci,, (2011)School Curriculum Development to Promote Student Spontaneous Diagram Use in Problem Solving., and . Diagrams, volume 5223 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 437-439. Springer, (2008)Hint, Instruction, and Practice: The Necessary Components for Promoting Spontaneous Diagram Use in Students' Written Work?, and . Diagrams, volume 9781 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 157-171. Springer, (2016)How Can We Statistically Analyze the Achievement of Diagrammatic Competency from High School Regular Tests?, , and . Diagrams, volume 12909 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 562-566. Springer, (2021)Explaining with Diagrams for Promoting Deeper Learning: School Practice to Integrate Knowledge Across Subjects., , , , , , and . Diagrams, volume 13462 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 368-372. Springer, (2022)Development of Assessment Tools for Depth of Understanding Quantitatively with Cognitive Diagnostic Models., , and . FICC (1), volume 651 of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, page 766-774. Springer, (2023)