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Other publications of authors with the same name

Trade policy: What's welfare got to do with it?, and . Economics Letters, 96 (1): 64--69 (July 2007)Bureaucratic corruption, environmental policy and inbound US FDI: theory and evidence, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (7-8): 1407--1430 (August 2003)The political economy of refunded emissions payment programs, and . Economics Letters, 87 (1): 113--119 (April 2005)The multiplier effect of globalization, , and . Economics Letters, 83 (3): 285--292 (June 2004)Political instability, corruption and policy formation: the case of environmental policy, and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (7-8): 1383--1405 (August 2003)Electoral rules and environmental policy, and . Economics Letters, 84 (2): 237--244 (August 2004)