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An initial Analysis of Topic-based Similarity among Scientific Documents based on their Rhetorical Discourse Parts, , и . (2017)Detecting Hot Spots in Web Videos., , , и . ISWC (Posters & Demos), том 1272 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 141-144., (2014)An Initial Analysis of Topic-based Similarity among Scientific Documents Based on their Rhetorical Discourse Parts., , и . SemSci@ISWC, том 1931 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 15-22., (2017)Distributing Text Mining tasks with librAIry., , и . DocEng, стр. 63-66. ACM, (2017)Television Meets the Web: a Multimedia Hypervideo Experience., и . ISWC-DC, том 1045 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 48-55., (2013)The New Digital Television and the Interactivity in its Multimedia Applications - Finding the Interactivity using a Low Cost Solution., , , и . SIGMAP, стр. 167-172. INSTICC Press, (2009)Free Security Suite 2 - Easy, Intuitive and Complete Free Security Suite with Web Browser Integration., , , и . SECRYPT, стр. 341-344. INSTICC Press, (2009)Scalable Cross-lingual Document Similarity through Language-specific Concept Hierarchies., , и . K-CAP, стр. 147-153. ACM, (2019)Efficient Clustering from Distributions over Topics., , и . K-CAP, стр. 17:1-17:8. ACM, (2017)Efficient Clustering from Distributions over Topics., , и . CoRR, (2020)