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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Detection and Forensics of Encryption Behavior of Storage File and Network Transmission Data., und . IEEE Access, (2020)An efficient information hiding method based on motion vector space encoding for HEVC., und . Multimedia Tools Appl., 77 (10): 11979-12001 (2018)Speech Emotion Recognition Method Based on Cross-Layer Intersectant Fusion., , , , und . IAIC (2), Seite 271-285. (2023)Exploration of the Effectiveness and Characteristics of ChatGPT in Steganalysis Tasks., , , , und . ASSE, Seite 163-170. ACM, (2023)A review of lane detection methods based on deep learning., , und . Pattern Recognit., (2021)Sea Surface Object Detection Based on Background Dynamic Perception and Cross-Layer Semantic Interaction., , und . ICME, Seite 72-77. IEEE, (2023)FoodS and FoodIM: Food-Testing Item Recommendation Models for Two Different Users with Different Usage Abilities., , , und . ASSE, Seite 1-9. ACM, (2023)Steganalysis of prediction mode modulated data-hiding algorithms in H.264/AVC video stream., , , und . Ann. des Télécommunications, 69 (7-8): 461-473 (2014)A Three-Stage Framework for Event-Event Relation Extraction with Large Language Model., , , , , , und . ICONIP (14), Volume 1968 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 434-446. Springer, (2023)Two-Stage Collaborative Sea Clutter Suppression Based on Subregion Gazing and Reconstruction., , und . IEEE Geosci. Remote. Sens. Lett., (2024)