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Reply to Critics. Information, Communication & Society, 8 (4): 477--481 (2005)Information Society. глава 215, стр. 2605-2623. (2010)A Life. Television and New Media, 2 (1): 7--9 (2001)What Information Society?. Inf. Soc., 10 (1): 1-23 (1994)Cultural Studies and Sociology at, and after, the Closure of the Birmingham School. Cultural Studies, 18 (6): 847--862 (2004)The Intensification of surveillance: crime, terrorism and warfare in the information age, и . Pluto Press, London and and Sterling VA, 1st ed. издание, (2003)Making Sense of the Information Age: Sociology and Cultural Studies. Information, Communication & Society, 8 (4): 439--458 (2005)The information society reader. Routledge student readers Routledge, London u.a., 1. publ. издание, (2004)Theories of the information society. Routledge, London and , New York, 2nd издание, (2002)Spectral Transform Lanczos for Electronic States from Density Functional Computation., и . PPSC, стр. 142-146. SIAM, (1993)