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Modeling Early Availability Requirements Using Aspect-Oriented Use Case Maps.

, , , and . SDL Forum, volume 7916 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 54-71. Springer, (2013)

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Feature Interactions in Aspect-Oriented Scenario Models., , , and . ICFI, page 75-90. IOS Press, (2009)The aspect-oriented user requirements notation: aspects, goals, and scenarios.. AOSD (Companion), page 59-60. ACM, (2011)Specification of domain-specific languages based on concern interfaces., , , and . FOAL, page 23-28. ACM, (2014)Towards Advanced Goal Model Analysis with jUCMNav., , , , , , , , , and . ER Workshops, volume 7518 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 201-210. Springer, (2012)Reusability in goal modeling: A systematic literature review., and . Inf. Softw. Technol., (2019)Welcome from the Organizers., , , and . MoDRE@RE, page vi. IEEE, (2020)Welcome from the Organizers., , , , and . RE Workshops, page 1-2. IEEE, (2021)On the modularization provided by concern-oriented reuse., , , and . MODULARITY (Companion), page 184-189. ACM, (2016)Detecting mistakes in a domain model., , and . MoDELS (Companion), page 257-266. ACM, (2022)Aspect-Oriented User Requirements Notation: Aspects in Goal and Scenario Models.. MoDELS (Workshops), volume 5002 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 305-316. Springer, (2007)