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A Comparison of I/O Performance of Some Linear Recursive Query Processing Methods.

, and . DASFAA, page 293-300. Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST, P.O. Box 150, ChongRyang, Seoul, 131-650, Korea, (1989)

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A Comparison of I/O Performance of Some Linear Recursive Query Processing Methods., and . DASFAA, page 293-300. Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST, P.O. Box 150, ChongRyang, Seoul, 131-650, Korea, (1989)Automatic Transformation of Multi-dimensional Web Tables into Data Cubes., and . DaWaK, volume 7448 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 81-92. Springer, (2012)What do you mean "Null"? Turning Null Responses into Quality Responses., , and . ICDE, page 356-364. IEEE Computer Society, (1987)A Partial Pre-aggregation Scheme for HOLAP Engines., and . DaWaK, volume 3181 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 129-137. Springer, (2004)A brief survey on anonymization techniques for privacy preserving publishing of social network data., , and . SIGKDD Explor., 10 (2): 12-22 (2008)On OLAP Data Model Driven Approach to Process Statistical Tables., and . DEXA Workshops, page 1054-1058. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)M2RML: Multidimensional to RDF Mapping Language., , and . DEXA Workshops, page 263-267. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)A framework for web table mining., and . WIDM, page 36-42. ACM, (2002)Processing Aggregate Queries on Spatial OLAP Data., and . DaWaK, volume 5182 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 125-134. Springer, (2008)Automatic Acquisition of isA Relationships from Web Tables., and . SEKE, page 706-711. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2012)