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Visualization of rotation fields.. IEEE Visualization, page 491-494. IEEE Computer Society and ACM, (1997)Configurable semi-autonomic animated animal characters in interactive virtual reality applications., and . SEARIS, page 68-73. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A Study of Perceptual and Cognitive Models Applied to Prediction of Eye Gaze within Statistical Graphs., , , , , , , and . SAP, page 6:1-6:9. ACM, (2020)A Query Generation Technique for Measuring Comprehension of Statistical Graphics., , , , , , and . AHFE (12), volume 963 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 3-14. Springer, (2019)Integration of georegistered information on a virtual globe., and . ISMAR, page 169-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Quantification of visual capabilities using augmented reality displays.. ISMAR, page 3-12. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)An Event-Based Data Distribution Mechanism for Collaborative Mobile Augmented Reality and Virtual Environments., , , and . VR, page 23-. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Visualization of decision processes using a cognitive architecture., , , , and . Visualization and Data Analysis, volume 8654 of SPIE Proceedings, page 86540U. SPIE, (2013)Evaluation of multivariate visualizations: a case study of refinements and user experience., and . Visualization and Data Analysis, volume 8294 of SPIE Proceedings, page 82940G. SPIE, (2012)Managing Latency in Complex Augmented Reality Systems., , and . SI3D, page 49-54, 185. ACM, (1997)