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SenseNet: A linguistic tool to visualize numerical-valence based sentiment of textual data, , and . Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON), page 147--152. (2007)Poster.Finding Social Network for Trust Calculation., , , and . ECAI, page 510-514. IOS Press, (2004)Information Area Tracking and Changes Summarizing System in WWW., and . WebNet, page 680-685. AACE, (2001)A cognitively based approach to affect sensing from text., , and . IUI, page 303-305. ACM, (2006)Sentiment Assessment of Text by Analyzing Linguistic Features and Contextual Valence Assignment., , and . Applied Artificial Intelligence, 22 (6): 558-601 (2008)Average-Clicks: A New Measure of Distance on the World Wide Web., , and . Web Intelligence, volume 2198 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 106-114. Springer, (2001)Methodological Considerations on Chance Discovery., and . JSAI Workshops, volume 2253 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 425-434. Springer, (2001)Multi-view Bootstrapping for Relation Extraction by Exploring Web Features and Linguistic Features., , , and . CICLing, volume 6008 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-536. Springer, (2010)Realistic image synthesis of a deformable living thing based on motion understanding., , , , and . J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent., 2 (4): 345-354 (1991)Scripting and Evaluating Affective Interactions with Embodied Conversational Agents., , , , , , , , and . Künstliche Intell., 18 (1): 4- (2004)