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Noise Robust Speaker Identification for Spontaneous Arabic Speech., , , and . ICASSP (4), page 245-248. IEEE, (2007)Softsad: Integrated frame-based speech confidence for speaker recognition., , and . ICASSP, page 4694-4698. IEEE, (2015)Combining Prosodic Lexical and Cepstral Systems for Deceptive Speech Detection., , , , , and . ICASSP (1), page 1033-1036. IEEE, (2006)Recent innovations in speech-to-text transcription at SRI-ICSI-UW., , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). IEEE Trans. Speech Audio Process., 14 (5): 1729-1744 (2006)Robust feature compensation in nonstationary and multiple noise environments., , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 985-988. ISCA, (2005)Effects of vocal effort and speaking style on text-independent speaker verification., , , , , , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 609-612. ISCA, (2008)Recent improvements in SRI's keyword detection system for noisy audio., , , , , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 1727-1731. ISCA, (2014)THE SRI NIST 2008 speaker recognition evaluation system., , , , , , and . ICASSP, page 4205-4208. IEEE, (2009)Mitigating the effects of non-stationary unseen noises on language recognition performance., , , and . INTERSPEECH, page 3446-3450. ISCA, (2015)Wideband spectral monitoring using deep learning., , , and . WiseML@WiSec, page 19-24. ACM, (2020)