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Automated Computation of Use Cases Similarity can Aid the Assessment of Cohesion and Complexity of Classes (S)., , , и . SEKE, стр. 494-499. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2013)On the actual use of inheritance and interface in Java projects: evolution and implications., и . CASCON, стр. 151-160. IBM / ACM, (2017)Readability and Understandability Scores for Snippet Assessment: an Exploratory Study., и . VEM, стр. 46-50. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, (2021)On the Interplay of Smells Large Class, Complex Class and Duplicate Code., и . SBES, стр. 64-73. ACM, (2021)Assessing the Readability of ChatGPT Code Snippet Recommendations: A Comparative Study., , и . SBES, стр. 283-292. ACM, (2023)How do Developers Improve Code Readability? An Empirical Study of Pull Requests., , и . ICSME, стр. 110-122. IEEE, (2023)On the Use of Execution Trace Alignment for Driving Perfective Changes., , , и . CSMR, стр. 221-230. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)An Empirical Assessment of the Use of Execution Traces in Software Maintenance., и . SBES, стр. 154-163. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Interacting Abstract State Machines., , и . Workshop on Abstract State Machines, стр. 37-49. (1998)On the properties of design-relevant classes for design anomaly assessment., и . ICPC, стр. 332-335. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)