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Joomla!, , and . Galileo Computing, Bonn, (2006)Theorie des Social Web, , and . Social Web, UVK, Konstanz, Text beim Dozenten verfügbar.(2008)Wiki : Web Collaboration, , and . Springer, Berlin etc., (Nov 15, 2005)Herausforderungen reifer Wikis., and . MuC (Workshopband), page 57-61. Logos Verlag, (2010)Social Web, , and . UTB UVK, Konstanz, (2008)Social Web, , and . UTB, Stuttgart, 2 edition, (2010)Wiki - Kooperation im Web., , , and . Springer, (2008)Wiki: Kooperation im Web (, , and . Springer, 2 edition, (Oct 1, 2007)Wiki Web Collaboration, , , and . Springer, 2nd ed. edition, (2008)Wiki-Tools : Kooperation im Web, , and . Springer, Berlin u.a., (2005)