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Convergence to periodic regimes in nonlinear feedback systems with a strongly convex backlash., и . CoRR, (2019)Decoherence quantification through commutation relations decay for open quantum harmonic oscillators., и . CoRR, (2022)A stochastic density matrix approach to approximation of probability distributions and its application to nonlinear systems.. CCA, стр. 1090-1095. IEEE, (2015)Convergence to Periodic Regimes in Nonlinear Feedback Systems with a Strongly Convex Backlash., и . ECC, стр. 71-76. IEEE, (2020)Optimization of partially isolated quantum harmonic oscillator memory systems by mean square decoherence time criteria., и . CoRR, (2024)Robust Output Feedback Consensus for Networked Heterogeneous Nonlinear Negative-Imaginary Systems with Free Body Motion., , и . CoRR, (2020)A quantum mechanical version of price's theorem for Gaussian states.. AuCC, стр. 118-123. IEEE, (2014)Anisotropy-based robust performance criteria for statistically uncertain linear continuous time invariant stochastic systems.. CoRR, (2019)Robust mean square stability of open quantum stochastic systems with Hamiltonian perturbations in a Weyl quantization form., , и . AuCC, стр. 83-88. IEEE, (2014)Lie-algebraic connections between two classes of risk-sensitive performance criteria for linear quantum stochastic systems., , и . CoRR, (2019)