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Pricing deposit insurance when the insurer measures bank risk with error. Journal of Banking & Finance, 15 (4-5): 975--998 (сентября 1991)The social costs of unit banking restrictions. Journal of Monetary Economics, 13 (2): 237--249 (марта 1984)Partial adjustment toward target capital structures, и . Journal of Financial Economics, 79 (3): 469--506 (марта 2006)Does the debt market assess large banks, risk? : Time series evidence from money center CDs, и . Journal of Monetary Economics, 30 (3): 481--502 (декабря 1992)Indexing the U.S. economy : Simulation results with the MPS model, и . Journal of Econometrics, 15 (1): 93--114 (января 1981)Market evidence on the opaqueness of banking firms' assets, , и . Journal of Financial Economics, 71 (3): 419--460 (марта 2004)Correspondent services and cost economies in commercial banking. Journal of Banking & Finance, 7 (1): 83--99 (марта 1983)Comment on Benveniste, Erdal and Wilhelm, Jr.. Journal of Banking & Finance, 22 (6-8): 768--772 (августа 1998)Asset pricing, time-varying risk premia and interest rate risk, , и . Journal of Banking & Finance, 21 (3): 315--335 (марта 1997)Capital regulation and insured banks choice of individual loan default risks. Journal of Monetary Economics, 24 (2): 235--258 (сентября 1989)