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On the integration of metamorphic testing and model checking., , , и . IADIS AC (2), стр. 299-302. IADIS Press, (2009)Adaptive Random Testing., , и . ASIAN, том 3321 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 320-329. Springer, (2004)On Detecting Double Literal Faults in Boolean Expressions., , , и . Ada-Europe, том 4498 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 55-68. Springer, (2007)On the Analysis of Subdomain Testing Strategies., , и . APSEC, стр. 218-224. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Classification-Hierarchy Table: A Methodology for Constructing the Classification Tree., и . Australian Software Engineering Conference, стр. 93-. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)An Object Oriented Approach towards Dynamic Data Flow Analysis (Short Paper)., , , , и . QSIC, стр. 163-168. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Using the Incremental Approach to Generate Test Sets: A Case Study., , и . QSIC, стр. 263-. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Identification of Categories and Choices in Activity Diagrams., , , и . QSIC, стр. 55-63. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)A Metamorphic Approach to Integration Testing of Context-Sensitive Middleware-Based Applications., , и . QSIC, стр. 241-249. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)A Revisit of the Integration of Metamorphic Testing and Test Suite Based Automated Program Repair., , , , , и . MET@ICSE, стр. 14-20. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)