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A Pseudo de Bruijn Graph Representation for Discretization Orders for Distance Geometry.. IWBBIO (1), том 9043 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 514-523. Springer, (2015)An Analysis on the Degrees of Freedom of Binary Representations for Solutions to Discretizable Distance Geometry Problems.. WCO@FedCSIS, том 986 из Studies in Computational Intelligence, стр. 251-255. Springer, (2020)Recent Developments in Data Mining and Agriculture., и . ICDM (Workshops), стр. 90-98. ibai Publishing, (2011)An Approach to Dynamical Distance Geometry., и . GSI, том 10589 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 821-829. Springer, (2017)Computing artificial backbones of hydrogen atoms in order to discover protein backbones., , , и . IMCSIT, стр. 759-764. IEEE, (2009)Comparisons between an exact and a metaheuristic algorithm for the molecular distance geometry problem., , , и . GECCO, стр. 333-340. ACM, (2009)Preface: Special issue on distances in optimization and graphs dedicated to the memory of Michel Deza., и . Optim. Lett., 14 (2): 269-271 (2020)InterCriteria Analysis of Ant Algorithm with Environment Change for GPS Surveying Problem., , , и . AIMSA, том 9883 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 271-278. Springer, (2016)Optimal partial discretization orders for discretizable distance geometry., и . ITOR, 23 (5): 947-967 (2016)The integration of Clifford Algebra in the iBP algorithm for the DMDGP., , , , и . IWBBIO, стр. 745-746. Copicentro Editorial, (2013)