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IdentityLink: user-device linking through visual and RF-signal cues.

, , , and . UbiComp, page 529-539. ACM, (2014)

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Stochastic optimization of flow-jamming attacks in multichannel wireless networks., , and . ICC, page 2165-2170. IEEE, (2013)All your jammers belong to us - Localization of wireless sensors under jamming attack., , , and . ICC, page 949-954. IEEE, (2012)Proximity-based wireless access control through considerate jamming., and . SPME@MobiCom, page 19-24. ACM, (2014)LAPWiN: Location-aided probing for protecting user privacy in Wi-Fi networks., , , and . CNS, page 427-435. IEEE, (2014)STIR-ing the wireless medium with self-tuned, inference-based, real-time jamming., , , and . MASS, page 326-334. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)MeshJam: Intelligent Jamming Attack and Defense in IEEE 802.11s Wireless Mesh Networks., , and . MASS, page 560-564. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Extended Abstract: Secure and Safe In-Vehicle Device Pairing Using Accelerometer Sensor.. VTC Fall, page 1-2. IEEE, (2019)A jamming approach to enhance enterprise Wi-Fi secrecy through spatial access control., , , and . Wireless Networks, 21 (8): 2631-2647 (2015)JADE: Jamming-averse routing on cognitive radio mesh networks., , and . CNS, page 21-28. IEEE, (2014)UnLocIn: Unauthorized location inference on smartphones without being caught., , , , , , , and . PRISMS, page 1-8. IEEE, (2013)