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Scalable Cloud-Based Tool to Empirically Detect Vulnerable Code Patterns in Large-Scale System.

, , , , , and . EIT, page 588-592. IEEE, (2020)

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Scalable Cloud-Based Tool to Empirically Detect Vulnerable Code Patterns in Large-Scale System., , , , , and . EIT, page 588-592. IEEE, (2020)A Parallel Accelerator for Generating Virtual Studio Sets., , , and . Workshop on Graphics Hardware, page 62-71. The Eurographics Association, (1993)A VLSI Design Strategy for Graphics., , and . Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware, page 3-17. Springer, (1988)The AIDA Display Processor System Architecture., , , and . Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware V, page 15-28. Springer, (1990)