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Prologue: Research and Practice in Data Quality Management.. Handbook of Data Quality, Springer, (2013)20 Years of Data Quality Research: Themes, Trends and Synergies., , and . ADC, volume 115 of CRPIT, page 153-162. Australian Computer Society, (2011)Avoiding Inconsistency in User Preferences for Data Quality Aware Queries., and . BIS, volume 47 of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, page 59-70. Springer, (2010)Efficient profiling for estimation of query result quality., , , and . ICIQ, MIT Information Quality Program, (2011)A Data Quality Control Method for Seafloor Observatories: The Application of Observed Time Series Data in the East China Sea., , , , and . Sensors, 18 (8): 2628 (2018)Does Evidence from Peers Help Crowd Workers in Assessing Truthfulness?, , , , and . WWW (Companion Volume), page 302-306. ACM, (2022)Incorporating Training, Self-monitoring and AI-Assistance to Improve Peer Feedback Quality., , , , and . L@S, page 35-47. ACM, (2022)Exploring Data Literacy Levels in the Crowd - the Case of COVID-19., , , and . ICWSM, page 1398-1403. AAAI Press, (2022)Data Flow and Validation in Workflow Modelling., , , and . ADC, volume 27 of CRPIT, page 207-214. Australian Computer Society, (2004)Workflows in Dynamic Environments - Can They Be Managed?. CODAS, page 165-176. Springer, (1999)