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A Formal Description of Low Level Interaction and its Application to Multimodal Interactive Systems.

, , and . DSV-IS, page 92-104. Springer, (1996)

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Formal transducers: Models of devices and building bricks for the design of highly interactive systems., , , and . DSV-IS, page 143-159. Springer, (1997)Issues and experience in designing two-handed interaction.. CHI Conference Companion, page 253-254. ACM, (1994)Whizz'Ed: a visual environment for building highly interactive software., , and . INTERACT, page 121-126. Chapman & Hall, (1995)How Can Groupware Preserve our Coordination Skills? Designing for Direct Collaboration., , , and . INTERACT, page 304-312. IOS Press, (1999)Une expérience de conception et de prototypage d'interfaces évoluées en milieu industriel., , and . IHM, page 165-172. ACM, (2004)Vers des outils pour les équipes de conception d'interfaces post-WIMP., , and . IHM, page 45-52. ACM, (2004)What should adaptivity mean to interactive software programmers?, and . EICS, page 13-22. ACM, (2014)Multiple Input Support in a Model-Based Interaction Framework., , and . Tabletop, page 179-186. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Programs = Data + Algorithms + Architecture: Consequences for Interactive Software Engineering.. EHCI/DS-VIS, volume 4940 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 356-373. Springer, (2007)A Formal Description of Low Level Interaction and its Application to Multimodal Interactive Systems., , and . DSV-IS, page 92-104. Springer, (1996)