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Multidatabase Interoperability in Health Case Legacy Applications.

, and . CoopIS, page 166-176. World Scientific, (1994)

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Technical analysis of the financial markets, and . New York Institute of Finance, Fishkill, N.Y., (1999)Designing TramMate a context-aware mobile system supporting use of public transportation, , , , , and . Proceedings of the 2003 conference on Designing for user experiences, page 1--4. New York, NY, USA, ACM, (2003)Using WordNet for Conceptual Distance Measurement, , and . Information Retrieval: New Systems & Current Research, (1994)Cooperative Information Systems: Interoperability in Health Care Legacy Applications., and . Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst., 7 (1): 1-18 (1998)Increasing User Perceived Quality by Selective Load Balancing of Video Traffic in Wireless Networks., , , and . TBC, 61 (2): 238-250 (2015)A statistical analysis of IP packet delay and jitter in cellular networks., , and . PIMRC, page 1881-1885. IEEE, (2004)A Non-Elevated Scheduling Solution for First Person Shooter Games in IEEE 802.11 Networks., , and . GLOBECOM, page 5277-5282. IEEE, (2007)A Congestion-Only Charging Mechanism for Multiplayer Gaming in Differentiated Services Networks., , and . GLOBECOM, page 1917-1921. IEEE, (2007)CQE - An Approach to Automatically Estimate the Code Quality using an Objective Metric From an Empirical Study., , , and . ICSOFT, page 198-205. SciTePress, (2013)A relative delay minimization scheme for multiplayer gaming in differentiated services networks., , and . NETGAMES, page 36. ACM, (2006)