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Local transit policies and the complexity of BGP Stability Testing., , , and . INFOCOM, page 2957-2965. IEEE, (2011)FLIP the (Flow) table: Fast lightweight policy-preserving SDN updates., and . INFOCOM, page 1-9. IEEE, (2016)iBGP deceptions: More sessions, fewer routes., , , and . INFOCOM, page 2122-2130. IEEE, (2012)Safe routing reconfigurations with route redistribution., , , , and . INFOCOM, page 199-207. IEEE, (2014)Using routers to build logic circuits: How powerful is BGP?, , , , and . ICNP, page 1-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Measuring and visualizing interdomain routing dynamics with BGPATH., , , , and . ISCC, page 780-787. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)(Un)-Stable Routing in the Internet: A Survey from the Algorithmic Perspective., , and . WG, volume 5344 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-13. (2008)From Theory to Practice: Efficiently Checking BGP Configurations for Guaranteed Convergence., , , , and . IEEE Trans. Network and Service Management, 8 (4): 387-400 (2011)Tracking back the root cause of a path change in interdomain routing., , , , and . NOMS, page 441-448. IEEE, (2008)On the quality of BGP route collectors for iBGP policy inference., , and . Networking, page 1-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)