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Foreword., и . Inf. Syst., 33 (2): 153-154 (2008)Predicting Bearings Degradation Stages for Predictive Maintenance in the Pharmaceutical Industry., , , и . KDD, стр. 3107-3115. ACM, (2022)Unionized Data Governance in Virtual Power Plants: Poster., , , , и . e-Energy, стр. 282-283. ACM, (2021)uFLIP: Understanding Flash IO Patterns., , и . CIDR,, (2009)I/O interface independence with xNVMe., , , и . SYSTOR, стр. 108-119. ACM, (2022)Administration Wizards., и . Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.), Springer, (2018)Repeatability and workability evaluation of SIGMOD 2011, , , , , , , , , и 10 other автор(ы). SIGMOD Record, 40 (2): 45--48 (2011)Meeting ecologists' requirements with adaptive data acquisition., и . SenSys, стр. 141-154. ACM, (2010)Tuning Database Design for High Performance., и . Computing Handbook, 3rd ed. (2), CRC Press, (2014)Topic Introduction., , , и . Euro-Par, том 2790 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 309. Springer, (2003)