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Edge Detection and Smoothing-Filter of Volumetric Data., , и . ISVC (2), том 7432 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 489-498. Springer, (2012)Examination of Defense Method for Tor User Specific Purpose Attacks by Dummy User Attached Communication., , , и . AINA Workshops, том 1150 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 745-755. Springer, (2020)A practical study on noise-tolerant PN code-based localisation attacks to internet threat monitors., , и . Int. J. Space Based Situated Comput., 3 (4): 215-226 (2013)Continuity Order of Local Displacement in Volumetric Image Sequence., , , , и . WBIR, том 6204 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 48-59. Springer, (2010)Evaluating a Dynamic Internet Threat Monitoring Method for Preventing PN Code-Based Localization Attack., , , и . NBiS, стр. 271-278. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)A Distributed Detecting Method for SYN Flood Attacks and Its Implementation Using Mobile Agents., , , и . MATES, том 5774 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 91-102. Springer, (2009)Evaluation of a Distributed Detecting Method for SYN Flood Attacks Using a Real Internet Trace., , , и . AINA Workshops, стр. 341-348. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A Study of Packet Sampling Methods for Protecting Sensors Deployed on Darknet., , , , и . NBiS, стр. 76-83. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)A Study on Noise-Tolerant PN Code-Based Localization Attacks to Internet Threat Monitors by Exploiting Multiple Ports., , и . AINA, стр. 98-105. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)