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Playing Divide-and-Choose Given Uncertain Preferences., and . EC, page 1127. ACM, (2023)Demographic characteristics and the public bundle, , and . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1993)Advertising and Entry: The Case of Physician Services, and . Journal of Political Economy, 98 (3): 476 (Jan 1, 1990)doi: 10.1086/261691.Paying the expected externality for a price quote achieves bargaining efficiency, , and . Economics Letters, 1 (4): 311--313 (1978)Shunning uncertainty: The neglect of learning opportunities., and . Games Econ. Behav., (2013)Willingness to Pay and the Distribution of Risk and Wealth, and . Journal of Political Economy, 104 (4): 747 (Jan 1, 1996)doi: 10.1086/262041.