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Semantic Data Management (Dagstuhl Seminar 12171)., , , , , , , , , and . Dagstuhl reports, 2 (4): 39--65 (2012)The semantic web: Research and applications 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2012, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 27-31, 2012. Proceedings, and . (2012)Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web (Dagstuhl Seminar 14282), , , , and . Dagstuhl Reports, 4 (7): 25-51 (2014)Dataset search: a survey, , , , , , and . (2019)cite arxiv:1901.00735Comment: 20 pages, 153 references.Human Intelligence in the Process of Semantic Content Creation., and . World Wide Web, 13 (1-2): 33-59 (2010)Guidelines for Reusing Ontologies on the Semantic Web.. Int. J. Semantic Comput., 4 (2): 239-283 (2010)Qrowdsmith: Enhancing Paid Microtask Crowdsourcing with Gamification and Furtherance Incentives., , , and . ACM Trans. Intell. Syst. Technol., 14 (5): 86:1-86:26 (October 2023)Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web: A Research Manifesto., , , , and . Hum. Comput., 2 (1): 3-17 (2015)Enabling Collaborative eHealth through Triplespace Computing., , , , and . WETICE, page 80-85. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)A Multivalued Emotion Lexicon Created and Evaluated by the Crowd., , , and . SNAMS, page 355-362. IEEE, (2018)