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Continuum Modeling of Dislocation Systems, , und . Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Volume 1168 von AIP Conf. Proc., Seite 1152-1155. Rethymno, Crete, Greece, ICNAAM, (September 2009)1D wave propagation in a rod: analytic treatment for non-trivial boundary conditions, , und . Proc. App. Math. Mech., (2010)Refined short-range interactions in the continuum dislocation-based model of plasticity at the microscale, , und . Acta Materialia, (2008)Modeling of size-dependent internal stresses in dislocation cell structures, , und . Materials Science and Engineering A, (2008)Continuum dislocation-based modelling of length-scale dependent plasticity on the microscale, , und . (Juli 2007)Poster Presentation on the occasion of the 33rd BTMK.Application of a continuum dislocation-based model to a tensile test on a thin film, , und . Materials Science and Engineering A, (2005)Continuum theory of evolving dislocation fields and plastic deformation, , , und . 11th International Symposium on Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (CMDS 11), Seite 299-304. Ecole des Mines de Paris, CMDS, PRESSES INTERNATIONALES POLYTECHNIQUE, (Mai 2008)(CMDS 11: Paris, France, 30 July - 3 August 2007).Continuum theory of evolving dislocation fields, , , und . Philosophical Magazine, (2007)Impact of an elastic rod on a deformable barrier: analytical and numerical investigations on models of a valve and a rod-shaped stamping tool, , , und . Archive of Applied Mechanics, 80 (1): 3-24 (Januar 2010)ISSN0939-1533 (Print) 1432-0681 (Online).Auf Kontinuumstheorie der Versetzungen basierende Modellierung und numerische Simulation der längenskalenabhängigen plastischen Verformung, , und . Fortsetzungsantrag auf Gewährung einer Sachbeihilfe bei der DFG mit Zwischenbericht, Technische Universit�t München, (April 2005)