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A study of the relationship between image quality and Cerebral Blood Flow., , , , und . BioCAS, Seite 21-24. IEEE, (2014)Noise reduction and enhancement of contour for median nerve detection in ultrasonic image., , und . ICSIPA, Seite 341-344. IEEE, (2017)Efficient distinction of road surface conditions using surveillance camera images in night time., , , und . ICIP, Seite 485-488. IEEE, (2012)Preference identification for images using the change of the amount of blood in frontal lobe with NIRS., , , , , und . QoMEX, Seite 1-3. IEEE, (2017)NR objective continuous video quality assessment model based on frame quality measure., und . ICIP, Seite 385-388. IEEE, (2008)A method to distinguish road surface conditions for car-mounted camera images at night-time., , , und . ITST, Seite 668-672. IEEE, (2012)Can brain activity be used to evaluate the usability of smartphone devices?, , , , , und . GCCE, Seite 1-2. IEEE, (2017)Subjective verification of high quality panoramic image generated by multiple PAL images., , und . ICCE, Seite 126-127. IEEE, (2012)Quality Evaluation Method Considering Time Transition of Coded Video Quality., , , und . ICIP (4), Seite 338-342. IEEE, (1999)Spatial Features Based No Reference Image Quality Assessment for JPEG2000., , und . ICIP (3), Seite 517-520. IEEE, (2007)