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Advancing source-level timing simulation using loop acceleration., , and . DATE, page 1393-1398. IEEE, (2018)Dynamic Range and Complexity Optimization of Mixed-Signal Machine Learning Systems., , , , , and . ISCAS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2021)Systematic RISC-V based Firmware Design⋆., , , , , , , , , and . FDL, page 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Automated HW/SW co-design for edge AI: state, challenges and steps ahead., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). CODES+ISSS, page 11-20. ACM, (2021)Behavior of Keyword Spotting Networks Under Noisy Conditions., , , and . ICANN (1), volume 12891 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 369-378. Springer, (2021)Precise Localization Within the GI Tract by Combining Classification of CNNs and Time-Series Analysis of HMMs., , , , and . MLMI@MICCAI (2), volume 14349 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 174-183. Springer, (2023)Hardware Accelerator and Neural Network Co-Optimization for Ultra-Low-Power Audio Processing Devices., , , , , and . DSD, page 365-369. IEEE, (2022)Enhancing Robustness of LiDAR-Based Perception in Adverse Weather using Point Cloud Augmentations., , , , and . IV, page 1-6. IEEE, (2023)Energy-Efficient Seizure Detection Suitable for Low-Power Applications., , , , and . IJCNN, page 1-8. IEEE, (2024)GOURD: Tensorizing Streaming Applications to Generate Multi-Instance Compute Platforms., , , and . IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 43 (11): 4166-4177 (November 2024)