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Intermittent bias and state filtering for linear systems subject to deception attacks in communication networks., и . CCA, стр. 685-690. IEEE, (2013)Fault Diagnosis and Fault Tolerant Control Based on Model Predictive Control for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings., , и . SysTol, стр. 219-225. IEEE, (2019)A real-time model-free reconfiguration mechanism for fault-tolerance: Application to a hydraulic process., и . ICARCV, стр. 91-96. IEEE, (2008)Sampling rate optimization for Fault diagnosis of distributed networked control systems.. ICM, стр. 142-145. IEEE, (2015)Geometric-based approach to fault detection for interval systems., , и . CDC, стр. 4365-4370. IEEE, (2002)Defense against DoS and load altering attacks via model-free control: A proposal for a new cybersecurity setting., , и . SysTol, стр. 58-65. IEEE, (2021)A novel online controller redesign approach to fault accommodation in wind turbine systems., , , и . ECC, стр. 496-501. IEEE, (2013)Robust fault detection in uncertain dynamic systems., и . Autom., 36 (11): 1747-1754 (2000)Fault detection of event based control system., , , и . MED, стр. 452-458. IEEE, (2014)Design of fault isolation filter for control reconfiguration: Application to energy efficiency control in buildings., , , и . MED, стр. 197-202. IEEE, (2015)