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Self-organization Data Gathering for Wireless Sensor Networks., , , , , и . MSN, том 4325 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 650-661. Springer, (2006)MIDI-Sandwich: Multi-model Multi-task Hierarchical Conditional VAE-GAN networks for Symbolic Single-track Music Generation., , и . Aust. J. Intell. Inf. Process. Syst., 15 (2): 1-9 (2019)MIDI-Sandwich2: RNN-based Hierarchical Multi-modal Fusion Generation VAE networks for multi-track symbolic music generation., , и . CoRR, (2019)Design and Implementation of Coroutine Scheduling System on SW26010., , , , и . ICBDC, стр. 114-120. ACM, (2020)On the Minimization of the Number of Forwarding Nodes for Multicast in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks., , и . ICCNMC, том 3619 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 286-294. Springer, (2005)Leveraging Error Compensation to Minimize Time Deviation in Parallel Multi-core Simulations., , и . ICPP, стр. 120-129. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Cache Management with Partitioning-Aware Eviction and Thread-Aware Insertion/Promotion Policy., , , , , и . ISPA, стр. 374-381. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Wall-clock based synchronization: A parallel simulation technology for cluster systems., , , и . ISPASS, стр. 154-162. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)ViT-based VQ-VAE Generative Network for Accompaniment Generation., , и . ACAI, стр. 66:1-66:5. ACM, (2021)Coverage-preserving Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks., , , и . SNPD (2), стр. 14-19. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)