Autor der Publikation

Poster: Toward Efficient and Secure Code Dissemination Protocol for the Internet of Things.

, , , , und . SenSys, Seite 425-426. ACM, (2015)

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Poster: come closer: proximity-based authentication for the internet of things., und . MobiCom, Seite 421-424. ACM, (2014)POSTER: Computations on Encrypted Data in the Internet of Things Applications., , und . CCS, Seite 1668-1670. ACM, (2015)Talos: Encrypted Query Processing for the Internet of Things., , , , und . SenSys, Seite 197-210. ACM, (2015)Talos a Platform for Processing Encrypted IoT Data: Demo Abstract., , und . SenSys, Seite 308-309. ACM, (2016)Marble: Making Fully Homomorphic Encryption Accessible to All., und . WAHC@CCS, Seite 49-60. ACM, (2018)Poster Abstract: Low-Power Wireless Channel Quality Estimation in the Presence of RF Smog., , und . DCOSS, Seite 137-138. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Privacy-preserving Quantified Self: Secure Sharing and Processing of Encrypted Small Data., und . MobiArch, Seite 25-30. ACM, (2017)Secure Sharing of Partially Homomorphic Encrypted IoT Data., , , , und . SenSys, Seite 29:1-29:14. ACM, (2017)TimeCrypt: A Scalable Private Time Series Data Store., , , und . CoRR, (2018)CrossZig: Combating Cross-Technology Interference in Low-Power Wireless Networks., , , , und . IPSN, Seite 10:1-10:12. IEEE, (2016)