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Halftone to continuous-tone conversion of error-diffusion coded images., и . ICASSP (5), стр. 309-312. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)On the Estimation of Rigid Body Rotation from Noisy Data., и . IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., 17 (12): 1219-1220 (1995)New properties of sigma-delta modulators with DC inputs., , и . IEEE Trans. Commun., 40 (8): 1375-1387 (1992)Tone Supression in General Double-Loop Sigma-Delta Modulators using Chaos.. ISCAS, стр. 449-452. IEEE, (1994)Reconstruction of oversampled band-limited signals from Sigma Delta encoded binary sequences., и . ICASSP, стр. 161-164. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)