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Part III: implementing components in RESOLVE., , , and . ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 19 (4): 40-51 (1994)Evaluation of Formal Reasoning Abilities Using a Concept Inventory., and . FMSEE&T@FM, volume 1385 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 59-66., (2015)Engaging mathematical reasoning exercises., , , , and . SIGCSE, page 459-460. ACM, (2013)Making mathematical reasoning fun: web-integrated, collaborative, and "Hands-On" Techniques (abstract only)., , , and . SIGCSE, page 757. ACM, (2013)Integrating Components, Contracts, and Reasoning in CS Curricula with RESOLVE: Experiences at Multiple Institutions., , , , , , , and . CSEE&T, page 202-211. IEEE, (2017)Teaching query writing: an informed instruction approach.. ITiCSE, page 351. ACM, (2008)Impact of Steps, Instruction, and Motivation on Learning Symbolic Reasoning Using an Online Tool., , , , , , , and . SIGCSE, page 1039-1045. ACM, (2019)Experience report: using RESOLVE/C++ for commercial software., , and . SIGSOFT FSE, page 11-19. ACM, (2000)Visualization of Students' Solutions as a Sequential Network., , and . EDUCON, page 1189-1194. IEEE, (2022)Checkmate: cornering C++ dynamic memory errors with checked pointers., , and . SIGCSE, page 352-356. ACM, (2000)