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Issues in Technology Transfer: Introduction., , и . HICSS (4), стр. 464. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Systems in Technology Transfer - Introduction.. HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Global Networked Entrepreneurship: Linking the World's Technopoleis for Shared Prosperity at Home and Abroad., и . HICSS (6), стр. 291-. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Capturing Community and Program Information to Induce and Support Grassroots Entrepreneurship., , , , и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Inter-organizational technology transfer: the case of the NSF science and technology centers., и . HICSS (4), стр. 661-670. IEEE Computer Society, (1995)Systems in Technology Transfer., и . HICSS (6), стр. 232. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Knowledge/Technology Transfer and Adoption - Minitrack Introduction., , и . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Customer Assessment of CRADA Program Performance., , и . HICSS (4), стр. 232-. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)DIFFERENT LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER IN BUILDING A GLOBALLY COMPETITIVE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER NETWORK, и . Revista Galega de Econom\'ıa, 19 (num extrord.): 1--11 (2010)Facilitating public-to-private technology transfer through consortia: initial evidence from Korea, , и . The Journal of Technology Transfer, 35 (2): 237--252 (мая 2009)