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Other publications of authors with the same name

FISHNET: A Distributed Control Local Area Network., , and . ICC (1), page 125-130. Elsevier, (1984)Hybrid-Meshnet: a new-approach to mesh LANs., and . LCN, page 463-471. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)A mesh/token ring hybrid-architecture LAN., and . SIGCOMM, page 146-151. ACM, (1988)Concurrent token ring protocol., and . INFOCOM, page 145-154. IEEE, (1988)Concurrent transmission and short loop latency protocol., and . LCN, page 238-246. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)A simulation study of a CSMA/CD with connected data links., , , and . Annual Simulation Symposium, page 292-300. IEEE Computer Society, (1991)Genetic programming and its applications to the synthesis of digital logic, , and . Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, PACRIM 1997, 2, page 823--826. Victoria, BC, Canada, (20-22 August 1997)