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Why Is Elvis on Burkina Faso Postage Stamps? Cross-National Evidence on the Commercialization of State Sovereignty. Draft, (November 2007)The effect of taxes on investment and income shifting to Puerto Rico, and . NBER working paper series Nat. Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)Free trade taxation and protectionist taxation. NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)The optimal two-bracket linear income tax, , , and . Journal of Public Economics, 53 (2): 269--290 (February 1994)Taxes, tariffs, and the global corporation, and . Journal of Public Economics, 51 (1): 97--116 (May 1993)The Distribution of Income Tax Noncompliance, and . National Tax Journal, 63 (3): 397-418 (2010)Do we now collect any revenue from taxing capital income?, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 88 (5): 981--1009 (April 2004)The limitations of decentralized world redistribution: An optimal taxation approach, , and . European Economic Review, 49 (4): 1051--1079 (May 2005)Randomness in tax enforcement, and . Journal of Public Economics, 38 (1): 17--32 (February 1989)The seesaw principle in international tax policy, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 65 (2): 163--176 (August 1997)