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Getting Things Right: Ontology and Epistemology in Smart Cities Research., , , и . RIIFORUM, стр. 181-193. Springer, (2022)Ecosystems Transformation for Social Change: How to Challenge Emergency Through Emergence., , и . AHFE (8), том 266 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 77-88. Springer, (2021)Exploring the drivers for digital transformation in smart education: An ecosystems approach., , и . IESS, стр. 1003. edp sciences, (2023)Redesigning Business Models for Data-Driven Innovation: A Three-Layered Framework., , и . RIIFORUM, стр. 421-435. Springer, (2020)Digital Divide and Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Global South: Quantifying and Explaining the Nexus., , и . RIIFORUM, стр. 723-734. Springer, (2022)Digital Transformation in Tourism Ecosystems: What Impact on Sustainability and Innovation?, , и . RIIFORUM, стр. 73-81. Springer, (2022)Managing Global Epidemic Through Resilience: A Prism for Resilient Smart Cities., и . RIIFORUM, стр. 333-341. Springer International Publishing, (2021)From knowledge co-creation to value co-creation and beyond: challenging global emergency in smart service systems., , и . HICSS, стр. 1-10. ScholarSpace, (2022)The Climb to Success: A Big Data Analysis to Find Out Why Huawei Has Conquered the Market., , , и . RIIFORUM, стр. 495-513. Springer, (2019)