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Perceptions of the CIS graduate's workstyle: undergraduate business students versus CIS faculty., , and . SIGCPR, page 17-21. ACM, (1988)An instrument for assessing the computer background of entering college freshmen.. SIGCPR, page 309-313. ACM, (1992)Distance learning methodologies in the information systems curriculum: clusters as an Internet delivery correlative., and . IRMA Conference, page 1128. IDEA Group Publishing, (2000)The realities of being a teleworker (panel session)., , , , and . SIGCPR, page 371. ACM, (1996)A study of personal computer utilization by managers., and . Inf. Manag., 18 (5): 243-253 (1990)Updating the IS curriculum: faculty perceptions of industry needs., , , and . SIGCPR, page 219-221. ACM, (1999)A cross-cultural comparison of personal computer utilization by managers: United States vs. Republic of South Africa., , and . SIGCPR, page 356-360. ACM, (1992)Marketing the information systems profession: a preliminary report on the Boston-SIM careers videotape., and . SIGCPR, page 1-2. ACM, (1991)Updating the IS curriculum (extended abstract): student perceptions of industry needs., , , and . SIGCPR, page 233-234. ACM, (1995)The Implications of Declining Enrollments in Undergraduate CIS Programs in the United States., , and . J. Manag. Inf. Syst., 8 (1): 167-181 (1991)