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Other publications of authors with the same name

Representation of Cochlea Within Primary Auditory Cortex in the Cat, , and . Journal of Neurophysiology, 38 (2): 231--249 (1975)Two-photon absorption and nonclassical states of light, and . Physical Review A, 48 (2): 1582--1593 (August 1993)Atomic spin decoherence near conducting and superconducting films, , , and . Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics), (2005)Quantifying Entanglement, , , and . (February 1997)Preparation of nonclassical states in cavities with a moving mirror, , and . Physical Review A, 56 (5): 4175--4186 (Nov 1, 1997)Quantum phase distributions and quasidistributions, and . Phys. Rev. A, 46 (9): R5346--R5349 (November 1992)