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Steering maps and their application to dimension-bounded steering, , , , and . Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 090403, (December 2014)Thermodynamics of creating correlations: Limitations and optimal protocols, , , , and . Phys. Rev. E, 91 (3): 032118 arXiv:1409.4647 (March 2015)Multi-photon entanglement in high dimensions, , , , , and . NATURE PHOTONICS, (2015)Witnessing entanglement by proxy, , , , and . New Journal of Physics, Volume 18, January 2016, (2015)CHAMP: Integrated Logic with Reinforcement Learning for Hybrid Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicle Planning., , and . ACC, page 3310-3315. IEEE, (2023)Quantum key distribution rates from semidefinite programming., , , , and . Quantum, (May 2023)Characterizing multipartite entanglement without shared reference frames, and . Phys. Rev. A, (November 2015)Coherence-assisted single-shot cooling by quantum absorption refrigerators, , , and . NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, (2015)Ideal Projective Measurements Have Infinite Resource Costs., , and . Quantum, (2020)Relaxations of separability in multipartite systems: Semidefinite programs, witnesses and volumes, , , and . Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 48, Number 50, (2015)