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Coverage closure in SoC verification: Are we chasing a mirage?. VTS, page 211. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Using static analysis for coverage extraction fromemulation/prototyping platforms., , , , , and . CODES+ISSS, page 207-214. ACM, (2012)Learning Semantic Representations to Verify Hardware Designs., , , , , , and . NeurIPS, page 23491-23504. (2021)Automated Generation and Selection of Interpretable Features for Enterprise Security., , , and . IEEE BigData, page 1258-1265. IEEE, (2018)Automatic Compositional Reasoning for Probabilistic Model Checking of Hardware Designs., and . QEST, page 143-152. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Word level feature discovery to enhance quality of assertion mining., , and . ICCAD, page 210-217. ACM, (2012)Efficient Microprocessor Verification using Antecedent Conditioned Slicing., , and . VLSI Design, page 43-49. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Improved verification of hardware designs through antecedent conditioned slicing., , and . Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 9 (1): 89-101 (2007)Using automatically generated invariants for regression testing and bug localization., , , and . ASE, page 634-639. IEEE, (2013)Automatic decomposition for sequential equivalence checking of system level and RTL descriptions., , , and . MEMOCODE, page 71-80. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)