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Robust delay-dependent stability and stabilization of polytopic systems with time-delay and its application to flight control., , , и . ACC, стр. 1624-1629. IEEE, (2008)The unscented Kalman filtering in extended noise environments., , , и . ACC, стр. 1865-1870. IEEE, (2009)Synchronization of a class of dynamical complex networks with nonsymmetric coupling based on decentralized control., , , и . ACC, стр. 5767-5771. IEEE, (2009)AQM algorithm based on Kelly's scheme using sliding mode control., , , и . ACC, стр. 1575-1579. IEEE, (2009)Unscented Kalman-Bucy filtering for nonlinear continuous-time systems with multiple delayed measurements., , , и . ACC, стр. 5302-5307. IEEE, (2010)Backstepping-based direct adaptive fuzzy control for SISO nonlinear systems., , , и . CDC, стр. 5948-5953. IEEE, (2007)Stability and performance analysis of a congestion control algorithm for networks., , , и . CDC, стр. 4453-4458. IEEE, (2007)Optimization of intelligent controller for multi-area interconnected systems based on genetic algorithm., , и . FSKD, стр. 664-668. IEEE, (2011)Semi-globally practical finite-time stability for uncertain nonlinear systems based on dynamic surface control., , , и . Int. J. Control, 94 (2): 476-485 (2021)An improved fruit fly algorithm-unscented Kalman filter-echo state network method for time series prediction of the network traffic data with noises., , и . Trans. Inst. Meas. Control, 42 (7): 1281-1293 (2020)