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Narrative-Based Collaboration Systems for Distributed Teams: Nine Research Questions for Information Managers., , and . IS Management, 26 (1): 28-38 (2009)The role teachers' expectations and value assessments of video games play in their adopting and integrating them into their classrooms., and . Br. J. Educ. Technol., 42 (2): 197-213 (2011)Improving Presence Theory Through Experiential Design., , , and . Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ., 17 (4): 405-413 (2008)The role teachers' expectations and value assessments of video games play in their adopting and integrating them into their classrooms, and . (2009)Understanding Digital Badges Through Feedback, Reward, and Narrative: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Building Better Badges in Social Environments, , and . Commun. Des. Q. Rev, 3 (3): 56--60 (June 2015)From Orlando to Russia: Cross-Cultural Communication through Gamemaking., , , and . SIGDOC, page 3. ACM, (2016)Using semiotic grammars for the rapid design of evolving video game mechanics., , and . Sandbox@SIGGRAPH, page 25-30. ACM, (2010)Using badges for shaping interactions in online learning environments., , and . IPCC, page 1-4. IEEE, (2012)User experience design considerations for healthcare games and applications., , and . SeGAH, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)How to Design Experimental Research Studies around Digital Badges., and . OBIE@LAK, volume 1358 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 30-35., (2015)